01 March, 2022

The James Web Telescope

Wondering what it is !

JWST stands for James Web Space Telescope. Actually it is space telescope πŸ”­ which is used for infrared Astronomy...

Well ,so you won't know About Infrared Astronomy .

Le me tell you what is infrared Astronomy then we will we talking about JWST

So basically Infrared Astronomy is type of Astronomy in which infrared light is used to see objects.

Well if you have studied science  you will be well knowing what is infrared

Well no problem let me tell you

Actually the wavelength of this light ranges from  0.75 to 300 micrometers

So do you want to know the power of JWST ?

Here the following points that makes this the one of most powerful telescope in whole universe (πŸ˜… literally whole ✨✨πŸͺπŸ’«)

  • It has 6.25 times  more light collecting area than famous Hubble telescope πŸ”­.
  • For observation It is being deployed 1.5Million KM from the earth 🌍.
  • Can you think out of that it is half times lighter than the famous Hubble telescope πŸ”­.
  • It can detect objects 100times literally 100times fainter than the Hubble telescope πŸ”­
  • The most interesting part is that we can see the object much earlier in the history of the in the universe
(Well we will be coming on this topic later as it includes time πŸ˜ΈπŸ™‚and concepts like RED SHIFT 🀨🧐 etc.
  • Will be surprised to know It can see the supernovae and gamma ray bursts within time of 48 hours which is unplanned  and opportunistic.
  • Did you know that while observing it will become too much hot πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ but it needs to manage at 50K for fainter observation and need to be cool also.
  • For its protection it has five layer sun ☀️ shield which is thin as human air and is made up of kaptonE. and also coted with silver and gold as to reflect the sun 🌞 heat back into space
  • 132 motors are present in JWST for moving the equipment of this Giant machine 
  • It has lots of part and one which. Is important is NiRCam which stand for near infrared camera.

The Stunning orbit of JWST

JWST operates in a halo orbit, circling around a point in space known as the Sun-Earth L2 Lagrange point, approximately 1,500,000 km  beyond Earth's orbit around the Sun. Its actual position varies between about 250,000 km and 832,000 km from L2 as it orbits, keeping it out of both Earth and Moon's shadow.

So it is Future 

Future is here 

We will be observing a lot of things in space through this!