10 September, 2021


-By Alok

Pyramid of Giza, one of the oldest of seven wonders the  ancient world and third largest in Egypt.

Do you wonder it is made 4000 years ago. It has height of 471 ft. and it is situated in city Giza ,Egypt 

Size Comparison

It has volume of 2.6 million m³ which is nearly equal to 1000 Olympic size swimming pool.

Now you can think of volume of great pyramid of Giza and is too huge...

The Hemiunu 

Hemiunu  who is  believed to the architect of the great pyramid of Giza . 

Because his burial tomb is near to the khufus.

Who himself considered as a divine character and god. God because khufu resembles with the god name Khanum. So it automatically make him a popular and increase his religious importance .


Think how it is  being made  at much old times compared to today where we have big cranes heavy machinery etc.

Today's technology wonder how it is being made at that time when these things are not available.

 Many architect also thing that how its all  sides rise at an angle of 50°51′ 40".

Just think out of this how accurate it is.....

Considering at that time and till nowadays it remains intact.

"Just think of amazing engineering and architecture behind this beautiful wonder."

It is  accurately oriented to the four cardinal points of the compass. 

Pyramids aligning with the stars


The biggest question arises in the mind is that 

How these 2.3 million blocks were assembled 

Cut out and placed ??.

According to heredotus it took 20 years for them to built  this giant structure.

The stones from which it is being made is mainly limestone ,Granite ,basalt and Mortar.

Sense of Accomplishment

You can go there but the real feels comes only when we see inside the ancient pyramid not the outer case of pyramid which is closed 


You can see in the below picture  how much big it can be. Just see the image and imagine about this by seeing it once and close your eyes and imagine......😄

The Great Pyramid of Giza

The real sense of accomplishment of the real essence of beauty lies inside the Great Pyramid of Giza..

About the inside of the Giza

Inside it there are lot of things but main thing is mummy which is king whose sarcophagus (chamber)  in Giza pyramid .

The most powerful ruler of Egypt's Old Kingdom khufus burial ...and lot of interesting things to see…

You can buy ticket to go inside..

 Unknown external help 

Extraterrestrial heritage

Making this big structure seems impossible  for them but it can be made ....But it may be happen that some external help is being used to make it... Something like spaceship which takes block up and down ....Does really they help out to make this ??

Are they aliens who help them to make this ?? No one knows it is in research till now. Maybe Egyptians are aliens ?? Or Maybe they take help form them ??

In fact in many scripture of ancient Egypt suggest that something is special from where they take help ......They always see the sky in the ancient drawings!

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